“KRASSTEC” Penetrates the Automotive Industry – “คราสส์เทค” เปิดเกมรุกอุตสาหกรรมยานยนต์
Thai Automotive industry is considered to be one of industries having the strength and getting the acceptance in skills of labour and the international production technologies. Factors making Thailand to become the potential production base in ASEAN partly results from the government policy. The policy supports entrepreneurs to invest in this industry by granting various privileges leading to the continuous expansion of the investment in the country.
Currently, Thai automotive industry manufactures automobiles for exporting to more than 150 countries around the world from the demand of domestic market and fast rehabilitation of export. The production was at 999,378 units in 2009 while the production of this year of 2010 is at 1.7 million units. In 2011, the production will be at around 1.8 million units because various auto companies manufacture new models to the market. In addition, EcoCAR project also accepts the support of the government which demands to manufacture EcoCAR for responding to the market demand in the country about 750,000 units and supporting the export of 950,000 units. This is considered to be the highest proportion of export.
Since Thai automotive industry has more production and also becomes the important center for exporting automobiles of the world, Thai manufacturers of auto parts who are important suppliers of leading auto manufacturers of the world and upstream entrepreneurs who support the machinery in manufacturing parts will have a good benefit in equally penetrating ASEAN market which will assemble in the economic cluster of member countries in the future.
Mr. Kitti Tangsongtham, Managing Director, Krasstec Co., Ltd., a distributor of quality machinery from various manufacturers from Germany such as a well-known brand in the sheet metal industry or “TRUMPF” revealed that company’s products at present concern with the production process in the automotive industry such as a TruDisk 1000 of TRUMF Laser system concerning with a customer group in the production line of parts to the automotive industry directly.
The new technology has the property to support various applications according to customer demands. For example, there could two outputs of TruDisk Laser source by one is connected to the cutting head for using in cutting such as the use of laser beam in cutting the auto body. Another output would be connected with welding optic for welding application. The selection of each application will depend on the suitability in the production line of users whether they will use in the cutting or welding. Currently, manufacturers in the automotive industry already use 40-50
TruDisk Laser Machines, especially in customers of Japanese companies having the production base of automobiles in Thailand. “TruDisk Laser system which Krasstec introduces this time is considered to be the change of pattern in welding and cutting because the welding of output with laser beam will benefit users such as 1. the quickness, 2. the reduction of process in adjusting the output, etc. Customers can choose the laser energy to be suitable with the production of outputs from 100 watts-20,000 watts for supporting the service of a laser machine more completely. The company also cooperates with manufacturers and distribu tors of equipment concerned such as robot arms which connects with TruDisk Laser Source for controlling the direction of welding. This is another alternative for customers as well,” Mr. Kitti added.
Furthermore, the company also has a new product concerning with Fastening under the brand of “BOELLHOFF” from Germany. This is a leading company of the world manufacturing the machinery of riveting. BOELLHOFF machine is popularly used in the manufacturing industry of automobile because the machinery of one automobile must have components having a lot fastening points inside such as an engine chamber, a passenger chamber, a door and a roof, etc. For this technology of BOELLHOFF, Krasstec Co.,Ltd. is the first distribution of a product in Thailand. The company will be a medium to coordinate with customers and recommend the optimum technologies with the production process in the automotive industry and general industry. In addition, it also has after-sale service having the international standards for creating the confidence to customers who use products of BOELLHOFF
Mr. Kitti concluded to the overall automotive industry of Thailand that entrepreneurs in the automotive industry and auto parts know that the automotive industry is outstanding during 2010. This industry leads the country’s economy to step towards the upturn. We can see from sales in the same year at 1.7 million units. It is believed that the tendency of the automotive industry’s sales in 2011 still grows continuously as well.
The potential of Thai automotive industry does not only depend on the domestic demand but relies on foreign companies which consider that Thailand is suitable for the investment to be the production base of automobiles. The expansion of the automotive industry which is the core business of the country can generate the income to the economy. It also benefits the business of machinery and equipment to move in a better direction. If Thailand does not encounter the political situation and the slowdown of global economy in 2011, it expects that Thai automotive industry will have more growth in the future.
“Krasstec” has planned the guidelines for supporting the expansion of the country’s industry and economy. The company would like to be a leader in the modern technologies and search high technologies to strengthen the capability and strength in the competition of Thai industry.